The Washington Outsider Center for Information Warfare Condemns Abdulnaser AlJanabi’s Upcoming Appearance in Washington DC

by Irina Tsukerman

It’s a real travesty that Al-Janabi is a professor in the US, and is being promoted by American organizations and think tanks, instead of being behind bars in #Iraq as he well deserves. Not sure what kind of a deal he cut and with whom to get into the US but he remains a threat to the US and global security.

In an egregious transgression, Al-Janabi, previously sentenced by Iraq’s federal court in 2013 to life imprisonment for terrorism-related activities, including alleged affiliation with Ayman Al-Zarqawi’s Al Tawhid Al-Jihad—a precursor to ISIS—has not only entered the United States but has also obtained positions of influence while being promoted by American organizations & think tanks.

Janabi, who was named on one of the 14 Red Notices sent out by the #Interpol on #Iraq‘s behalf, remains a threat to the US and global security. Yet, someone in the #USG apparently thought it a fine idea to use this extremist—accused of kidnapping and murder, and other forms of “armed resistance” (aka#terrorism)—as an informant of some sort and normalized him.

It is nothing short of a slap in the face to the Iraqi-American community and allied partners that Al-Janabi now appears at esteemed venues such as the National Press Club, thereby gaining undue legitimacy. The fundamental question is: Who stands to benefit from amplifying his visibility?

Those seeking to exploit the anticipated collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, to open opportunities in Iraq and Syria for the resurgence of Taliban affiliates, and to pave the way for renewed influence of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Al-Janabi’s backers appear intent on bolstering his stature, enabling him to claim some form of intelligence credentials, and thereby facilitating geopolitical shifts favoring Iran, Qatar, President Erdoğan’s Turkey, Saudi Arabia’s ‘Old Guard’: traditionalist Islamist factions, and opponents of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

Such a spectacle—placing an individual of this background in the heart of Washington, D.C.—is an unmistakable disgrace. It exemplifies precisely why the Washington Outsider Center for Information Warfare exists: to fulfill the essential role of exposing manipulative, deceitful operations carried out by actors who empower extremist, anti-American, and fanatical movements.

The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the views of The Washington Outsider Center for Information Warfare.

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